Ready to Blow Up Your Instagram with dreamy soulmate clients who want to jump into every single offer you drop? 
Ready to make ‘fck yes!’ money without hosting free events & sales calls? 

this isn't your average instagram growth program

this tackles the 3 reasons your account isn't growing & your dm's aren't overflowing with soulmate clients (no it's not cos you can't pick a good trending audio )
inside of blow up on the gram, you will learn:

1. How to create a brand people are obsessed with so you can drop offers in a different niche every single month, & still have 5 figure launches on repeat

2. How to create content that has people jumping into every single offer you drop, without sales calls, or huge free launch events (yes - even your 5 figure offers)

3. How to expand your nervous system's capacity to hold all that comes with going viral

Because... you can consciously believe you want a sh*t tonne of followers...

You can consciously believe you want £30-50k months...

You can consciously believe you want to sign your dream brand partnership, & have brands wanting to affiliate with you left, right, and centre...

But if your body doesn't feel safe with what comes with all of that, you will never grow...

we start 14th august 
You get lifetime access to everything!
10 live calls with lynda
1:1 coaching & mentoring with lynda, plus masterminding & collaborating with your soul brothers & sisters, in our private telegram group
lifetime access to all content
And it's not just me... this week, this happened for my 1:1 client after just one 2 hour session together...


July was a $60k month, and I only posted 15 times on the gram
I have a tiny email list & barely ever email it
instagram is my jam 
"so why if you're so good at building brands, did it take you over 3 years to hit 10k followers lynda?"
because strategy was never a problem

my nervous system was the problem 
if your nervous system is still hanging onto the moment you read out loud in class & got laughed at when you were 6 years old 

if your nervous system is still hanging onto you being put on the back row at dance class every week because you were too big & 'GOT IN THE WAY' 

if your nervous system is still hanging onto THE TIME YOUR MUM STOLE ALL YOUR SAVINGS OFF YOU TO FUND HER DRUG HABIT 

If your nervous system is still hanging onto being made to feel like you never know enough because your dad was constantly telling you you were stupid 
Blow Up On The Gram is a revolutionary approach to making a sh* tonne of money on instagram
it will effortlessly put you in the *getting paid zone* instead of the *friend zone* (without posting daily & sharing all the bts of your life) 

It will help you create instant authority and conversion content that has you signing soulmate clients who found you just 3 seconds ago, faster than you can say, "fck... i'm going viral!!" 

and it will make sure your nervous system is onboard with your rapid ascension so you can *hold it all* instead of crawling into a black hole & ghosting the gram the second one person drops you a hate comment 

bonus 2: get 1 month free inside of lynda's membership, EXPANDED


THIS truly is a FIRST OF ITS KIND instagram MINI-MIND 
wondering if being inside of one of lynda's miniminds is really for you? take a sneak peek of what happens inside... 
I know exactly what we can shift in your brand, content, and nervous system to have you blowing up your following, and have dreamy soulmate clients in your inbox asking to jump into all the things, WITHOUT, posting daily, & spending hours attached to your phone

  • These are the exact shifts I made to go from £10K months to £30K-£50K months
  • These shifts are why I consistently sign on 4 & 5 figure clients in the DMs, without sales calls
  • These are the exact shifts that made July a £47k (60k USD) month having *only* posted on the gram 15 times
  • These are the exact shifts that have grown my following by 24k followers in 6 months
  • These are the exact shifts that have made me multi-6 figures this year, without hosting a single free event or stressful launch
  • These are the exact shifts that have allowed me to set my business up in a way I can have my mornings completely to myself, and only work 1-5pm
  • YOU. ARE. NEXT. 
  • And I’m going to teach how inside of Blow Up On The Gram
  • We already have 26 epic humans inside (at the time of typing this)... will you be next?

Meet Your Host

Lynda Stretton is a certified rebirthing breathworker, trauma informed life & mindset coach, Master NLP practitioner, Pranayama breathwork & meditation facilitator, nutritional therapist & functional medicine practitioner, and founder of Neurosomatic Breathwork, & EXPANDED - The Membership, & ASCENSION - The Mastermind.

An ex-anorexic high achieving perfectionist, turned burnt-out corporate Marketing Director, turned healer, empowerment coach, & business mentor.

Having developed the identity of the hard working, people-pleasing, good girl, who never showed emotion as a child, Lynda’s behaviours caught up with her as an overworking, under-sleeping, people-pleasing adult, with low self worth, & poor confidence, leading to Lynda always ‘doing the most’, & completely burning out in her late 30s.

After spending years studying, working with her own mentors, & mastering her craft, Lynda has now pulled together the experience she wished she had had access to when she started her journey to building her business on Instagram.

The tools & techniques you'll learn inside of the Blow Up On The Gram Minimind are the exact ones Lynda has used to transform her relationship with Instagram, getting visible, being seen, using her voice, creating content that signs 5 figure clients in the DMs, having £30-50k months without live launches, and leading with authenticity, to build a multi-6 figure business without burning out.

Lynda is passionate about making life & business fun, spacious, & easy, so whilst - yes - we'll be covering a lot of ground, & moving a lot of energy & emotions during this experience, you're also going to have a whole load of fun along the way, alongside a community of epic like-minded humans.


  • What is a mini-mind?
    A minimind is like a mastermind, but it's a shorter experience, and focuses on 1 specific goal - in this case, the minimind is focused on Instagram growth, & monetising your Instagram. The difference between it just being a group program, and it being a minimind, is that you also get access to Lynda for 1:1 coaching and mentoring inside of our private telegram community. Meaning you can reach out and ask for support in working through a block, or devising a strategy for example, which you wouldn't get if this was just a group program. Additionally, you get to mastermind alongside all of the other epic humans inside of the minimind - bouncing ideas off eachother, sharing feedback, and maybe even being eachothers testers or case studies if relevant. I have been in masterminds consistently for the last 3 years and they have been life-changing for me, & my business.
  • How long will I have access to the minimind content?
    You'll receive lifetime access to all of the content inside of the minimind so that you can revisit the teachings & practices as many times as you like.
  • I see the cost is in £ but I'm not based in the UK. Can I still join?
    Absolutely! 80% of Lynda's clients are based outside of the UK, and we have people joining us from all over the world. The payment should automatically convert to your local currency to let you know what you are paying at checkout.
  • I am new to nervous system work & breathwork. Is this suitable for me?
    Absolutely. The program is designed for both those who are new to this work, & seasoned healers. Lynda will teach you exactly how to do all of the breathworks & somatic practices. However, rebirthing breathwork is not suitable if you are pregnant or experience any of the following; schizophrenia, bipolar, vertigo, epilepsy. If you experience any of these, Lynda will guide you through an alternative breathwork style for our rebirthing breathwork journeys.
  • Will you be teaching me how to use editing apps like CAPCUT
    Not a chance. Have you seen my IG? I'm basic AF. My most viral reels are me driving my car with IG text over. I take a clip, slap on some text. No spending hours editing. You don't need to be as fancy as you think. IN FACT, I'm personally repelled by content that is too jazzy. Like... stop flashing different words up at me in ugly fonts please! ALSO, before you ask... I don't own a ring light, and I have a very basic iphone. I'm not your gal for fancy editing trainings. I teach the stuff that makes you cash ;)
  • Is this course only for a specific gender?
    This course is for everyone!
  • I have more questions!
    No problem, please send any specific questions to, or DM Lynda on Instagram, & we will respond within 48 hours.
  • This program sounds amazing, but I think I'd really love some 1:1 sessions with Lynda too?
    If you would like higher touch support, DM Lynda on Instagram, or email to explore her 12 or 24 week Fierce Feminine Ascension life & biz mentorship. The investment for the 12 week program is currently £7.5k PIF or 3 payments of £3k (price may increase without warning), and includes weekly 2 hour 1:1 sessions, audio & text support between calls, plus complimentary access to Lynda’s entire product suite, & any programs she runs during your time together. By application only.

Here's a training I did on IG SHARING the 3 key pillars of blow up on

the gram. if you love a video, GIVE IT A WATCH

  • 01Customer
  • 02Payment

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TERMS OF USE – Lynda Stretton ltd.
These Terms of Use (“Terms”) govern your use of the website, any related websites including but not limited to those hosted on thrivecart, teachable, and flodesk, all apps or software, and any social media content made available by Lynda Stretton (collectively, the “Platform”), and participation in any of the services provided through the Platform. These Terms are an agreement between (“we”, “us”, or “our”) and you. By downloading or using any of the Platform, you agree that you have read and understand these Terms and you accept and agree to be bound by these Terms. If you disagree with any of the Terms below, we do not grant you the right to use the Platform and you should immediately discontinue all use of the Platform.


Access to and use of the Platform is restricted to registered users only. Some content on the Platform may require different types of registrations and/or payment of additional fees. In order to register and use the Platform, you must provide truthful and accurate account information, including but not limited to a username, email address, phone number, billing address, and credit card information. You are responsible for updating your account information as necessary to keep it accurate. Failure to maintain accurate account information could limit your access to the Platform.

Risks of Platform Use
This Platform contains content on health, wellbeing, breathwork, somatic therapy, mindset, NLP, and nutrition and is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. None of the recommendations provided on the Platform should be performed or otherwise used without clearance from your physician or health care provider first. The information provided on the Platform is not intended to provide specific physical or mental health advice, or any other advice whatsoever, for any individual or company and should not be relied upon in that regard. We are not medical professionals and nothing on the Platform should be misconstrued to mean otherwise.
Not all exercises shown on the Platform are suitable or appropriate for everyone. As with any exercise program, if at any point during your breathwork you begin to feel faint, dizzy, or have physical discomfort, you should stop immediately. You are solely responsible for participating within your limits and seeking medical advice and attention as appropriate. We are not responsible for any injuries that result from participating in the exercises shown on the Platform.

Children’s Use
The Platform is not directed toward children under the age of 18 and we do not knowingly collect information from children under the age of 18 through the Platform.

The Platform and Permitted Uses
The Platform provides a variety of videos, how-to’s, written descriptions, charts, and other information on breathwork, somatic exercises, mindset and diets (collectively, the “Platform Content”).
The Platform can only be used for your own personal purposes. To ensure that the Platform and the Platform Content are available for all users to enjoy, you represent, warrant, and covenant that you will not permit or enable a third party to do any of the following: (1) violate these Terms; (2) make commercial use of the Platform that is designed to monetize the login process, the collection and use of any personal information provided by other users, or access to the Platform Content; (3) use the Platform for any purpose that is unlawful, infringing, harmful, threatening, tortious, defamatory, libelous, abusive, obscene, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, fraudulent, or malicious; (4) harass or advocate harassment of another person; (5) transmit “junk mail”, “chain letters”, or unsolicited mass mailing or “spamming”; (6) involves the sending of any virus, Trojan horse, worm, harmful code, shutdown mechanism or similar mechanism; (7) promote information that you know is false, misleading, or promotes illegal activities or conduct; (8) interfere with or disrupt the Platform or any server or network involved with the operation of the Platform; (9) collect or harvest from the Platform the names of other users for the purpose of transmitting to those other users unsolicited commercial messages; (10) access or attempt to access any portion of the Platform or the Platform Content by any means other than through the Website or Platform App or use automated tools to operate the Platform (i.e. scripts, robots, etc.); (11) resell, rent, loan, or sublicense the Platform or Platform Content; or (12) otherwise violates any local, national or other applicable law or regulation.
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Payment Terms, and Refund Policy

Due to the nature of this program being instant access to all digital content, no refunds will be provided under any circumstances. Please read the full sales page thoroughly, and only purchase if you believe this program is the correct choice for you.

As a condition of using the Platform, you must provide us with payment. Payment for the Platform must be made by a valid credit card or credit card. Other forms of payment, including cash, check, wire transfer, or other trade format will not be accepted as payment. You are solely responsible for paying amounts billed by use to your credit card. All fees are payable in UK pounds. Any payments made by credit card are subject to the approval of the financial institution that issued the credit card.
In order to maintain your access to the Platform, you hereby agree that we may continue to process your payments on the credit card you provided for your latest payment. If, before the end of the initial term of service you do not wish to continue renewing your contract, you must process a cancellation for your subscription. Once your subscription is cancelled, you will continue to have access to your account for the remainder of the term of the subscription that you have paid for.
We do not provide refunds of any portion of the Subscription Fees.

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In regards to all Submissions, you represent and warrant to us that (i) you have full power and authority to enter into these Terms of Use; (ii) your Submissions are original to you or you have obtained all permissions, releases, rights or licenses required to grant the rights and assignment granted herein without obtaining any further releases or consents; and (iii) your Submissions do not violate, infringe, or misappropriate any third party’s copyright, trademark, right of privacy or publicity, or other personal or proprietary right, and do not contain any matter that is defamatory. 
We and our licensees may display advertisements and other information adjacent to or included with Submissions on the Platform, Platform App, and any other media. You are not entitled to any compensation for such advertisements. The manner, mode and extent of such advertising are subject to change without specific notice to you.

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The Platform, Platform App, and Platform Content, including all materials, images, text, illustrations, designs, icons, photographs, video clips, audio signals, structure, layout, software, “look and feel,” and other elements contained on or otherwise making up the Platform, Platform App, or Platform Content (collectively, the “Content”), are protected by copyright, trademark, trade dress, and other intellectual property laws and international conventions. We own all right, title and interest in and to the Content. Subject to these Terms, we grant you a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable license to access and use the Content solely in accordance with these Terms. You are not granted any further license to any software or intellectual property rights by these Terms. Your access to and use of the Platform and Platform App is limited to your own personal electronic devices for your own personal use and may not be shared with any other person, regardless of the medium through which you are accessing the Platform and Platform App.
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We may terminate your access to the Platform or Platform App if you are in breach of any of our intellectual property rights.

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We provide the Platform on an “as is” and “as available” basis. You use the Platform at your own risk. We expressly disclaim any and all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, and any other warranty that might arise under any law. Without limiting the foregoing, we make no representations or warranties (1) that the Platform will be permitted in your jurisdiction; (2) that the Platform will be uninterrupted or error-free; (3) concerning any content submitted by any member; (4) concerning any third party’s use of content that you submit; (5) that the Platform will meet your personal or professional needs; (6) that we will continue to support any particular feature of the Platform; (7) concerning sites and resources outside of the Platform, even if linked to from the Platform.
If a secondary party may have access to or view the Platform content on your computer or mobile device, you are solely responsible for informing such party of all disclaimers and warnings in these Terms.
You have been informed of, understand, and are aware that breathwork in connection with the Services are potentially hazardous. You also have been informed of, understand and are aware that breathwork involves a risk of injury and that you are voluntarily participating in these activities with full knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the dangers involved. You hereby agree to expressly assume and accept any and all risks of injury in using the Services.

Termination of These Terms

The Owner may suspend or terminate your account or cease providing you with all or part of the Services at any time for any or no reason, including, but not limited to, if we reasonably believe: (i) you have violated these Terms or any other terms or policies provided by the Owner, (ii) you create risk or possible legal exposure for the Owner; (iii) your account should be removed due to unlawful conduct, or (iv) our provision of the Services to you is no longer commercially viable. We will make reasonable efforts to notify you by the email address associated with your account or the next time you attempt to access your account, depending on the circumstances. In all such cases, the Terms shall terminate, including, without limitation, your license to use the Services. The scope of the termination or suspension will be in the sole discretion of the Owner and may include a revocation of your rights to join, or continue to participate in, any social media groups or accounts associated with the Owner. You further acknowledge, agree, and understand that Owner’s decision to terminate any of the Services or your participation in any groups associated with the Services in connection with this “Termination of These Terms” section will not entitle you to any refund of any subscription fee or other membership fees that you might have paid to Owner for the Services.


You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless us and our affiliates, directors, officers, employees, and agents, from and against all claims, damages, losses and costs that: (1) arise from your activities on or associated with your use of the Platform; (2) assert a violation by you of any term of this Agreement; or (3) assert that any content you submitted to the Platform violates any law or infringes any third party right, including any intellectual property or privacy right. Limitation of Liability
We will in no event be liable to you or any third party for any indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, special or punitive damages, including lost profit damages arising from or in connection with any use of the Platform and/or any website with which they are linked, and/or any content, information, products or services accessible through the Platform, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such losses or damages. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the aggregate liability of us to you for any cause whatsoever and regardless of the form of the action, will at all times be limited to the amount paid, if any, by you to us for use of the Platform.

Confidentiality of Communications From Us

You agree and understand that all communications (including email communication, direct message communication, or other communication, collectively “Communications”) we send to you, whether through the Platform, social media platforms, or any other communication medium, are confidential as between us and you. For this reason, you agree not to display or otherwise distribute any Communications sent to you. You further agree to keep these Communications and their contents confidential.

Breathwork Information & Waiver

What Breathwork is
Breathwork describes a group of exercises that teach you to manipulate your breathing rate and depth with the goal of bringing awareness to your breath and ultimately providing the same benefits you might get from a meditative practice.

What Breathwork is *not*
I am not a licensed physician. Breathwork is not licensed by the state of California and, as a complementary or alternative practice, does not require licensing by the state. Breathwork and meditation are a complement to, not replacement for, "healing arts services licensed by the state", ie, it is a complement to services provided by doctors, nurses, and hospitals.

Nature of the Services Provided
Breathwork Sessions: The client participates in breathing exercises with eyes closed and in a safe position. Do not perform breathwork while driving. You might experience a stress release, emotional release, heightened sense of elation in the body.

What you should know about Breathwork
Breathwork is generally safe when practiced with care. However, there are a few cases when it would not be advised to do breathwork; namely for anyone with a known cardiac arrhythmia (including very slow heart rate), a history of heart block, or people taking certain antipsychotic medications. Additionally, some types of breathwork can induce hyperventilation, which can bring on dizziness, chest pain, and pounding heartbeat.

Check with your doctor before you start a breathwork practice if you have a history of any of the following or are currently taking antipsychotic medications.

Breathwork not recommended if you have any of the following:
● breathing issues
● cardiovascular issues
● high blood pressure
● history of aneurysms
● osteoporosis
● recent physical injuries or surgeries
● severe psychiatric symptoms
● vision issues
● bipolar
● schizophrenia
● epilepsy
● pregnancy
● vertigo

Theory of Breathwork
Breathwork is researched intentional breathing techniques that provide a heightened physiological experience and decrease stress on the system.

Lynda Stretton, founder & CEO of Lynda Stretton ltd, is a certified breathwork & meditation facilitator with the Academy of Breath and the Embodied Breath Academy, as well as a Master NLP Practitioner with The Clique Academy. Lynda is also a certified Nutritional Therapist registered with the ANP & Life Coach certified with The Clique Academy, plus a Trauma Informed Coach certified with The Centre of Healing.

Breathwork Waiver

You agree that you do not know of any medical reason why you should not participate in breathwork. Your participation is optional and you understand that such physical activity has inherent risks. If you participate in breathwork, you knowingly assume full responsibility for any risk of loss including but not limited to, personal injury, including serious injury, disability, death, or economic losses including but not limited to loss of income, or medical expenses which you may sustain as a result of your participation.

You understand that spiritual and healing methodologies have the potential to create intense emotions and strong physical experiences that may require additional therapeutic or supportive interventions. Our services are for educational purposes only and do not constitute counseling, psychotherapy or psychoanalysis or deal with the diagnosis or treatment of medical issues and do not replace the treatment and guidance of a medical doctor. You acknowledge that we do not provide medical treatment and that you will seek medical, therapy or psychotherapy services, if needed.

I acknowledge breathwork is not a substitute for any type of therapy. I understand that this breathwork/somatic work, sound healing, energy healing or reiki activity will involve strong connected breathing and may include guided meditation. I understand that breathwork can involve dramatic experiences accompanied by strong emotional and physical responses. I understand that I may find breathwork emotionally, and/or mentally stressful. I hereby affirm that I am in good health and able to participate in this activity. I do not have any physical or mental conditions which would impair my ability to engage in this activity or which would otherwise endanger my health or which would cause any risk of harm to myself. I understand that this breathwork is not medically supervised. I have hereby been advised that I should talk to my physician and/or psychotherapist if I have any questions about my physical or mental ability to safely participate in this breathwork. If I have chosen not to obtain a physician's consent prior to my participation I hereby agree that I am doing so solely at my own risk.

I hereby waive and release Lynda Stretton ltd, any employees, associates, representatives, agents, independent contractors and any related entities from any and all claims, costs, liability and expense for any injury, loss or damage (including death) whether known, anticipated or unanticipated, negligent or intentional acts or omissions arising from my participation in breathwork.

I acknowledge that I have thoroughly read this Breathwork Information & Waiver in its entirety and fully understand it and consent to practicing breathwork

General Information
These Terms constitute the entire agreement and understanding between you and us and supersedes any prior agreements between you and us. If any provision of these Terms is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision will be deemed severed herefrom and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions. You may not assign, transfer, or sub-license any rights granted by these Terms without our prior express written consent. We may assign these Terms to any third party whom we choose without your consent. No waiver by us of any breach of default hereunder will be deemed a waiver of any preceding or subsequent breach or default.

Copyright © 2020-2024 Lynda Stretton ltd.

Updated: May 20, 2024
I agree

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  • Preferred option
    Pay In Full (£1111.00)£1111.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (2x £555.00)2x £555.00
Special Offer
VIP UPGRADE: 2 hour 1:1 strategy session with Lynda

SAVE OVER £750 (usually £1111)

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

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  • Total payment
  • 1xBlow Up On The Gram£0

All prices in GBP
